Profile PictureSaiful Nizam Ismaail

AWS CloudFormation Template: Basic REST API Using AWS API Gateway and Openapi

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AWS CloudFormation Template: Basic REST API Using AWS API Gateway and Openapi

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If you are:

  • looking for a basic REST API template using AWS Cloudformation.
  • frustrated the AWS docs lack of tutorial on how to use OpenApi.
  • Couldn't find how to write non-proxy AWS Lambda or direct integration with DynamoDB in OpenAPI.
  • don't want to waste time to create template from scratch.

Look no further! This product is a working REST API template that uses OpenApi 3.0.1 format.

You can use this template as your starting point and expand the API as you like.

The template demonstrates:

  1. Rest API definitions using OpenApi 3.0.1.
  2. non-proxy integration to AWS Lambda.
  3. Direct integration to DynamoDB without AWS Lambda for a quick API execution (dual digit milliseconds).

You can save at least 1 day of your precious life instead of googling on how to integrate all these components.



Pre-requisites to use this template:

- AWS account

- IAM user with Access and Secret key management.

- AWS SAM Cli installed

How to use?

This template is stored in private Github repository. To download the repo, a Github username is required for us to give you access to the repo.

During checkout, enter Github username in the field.

After purchase:

  1. The username's email should receive an invitation from Github to the repository.
  2. Accept the invitation.
  3. You can download it from there, or
  4. In your machine's terminal where the git is associated with the Github's username, run sam init in the working directory.
  5. Select option 2 (Custom template location)
  6. Enter
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AWS SAM template Project

Programming Language
v14.x runtime support
v16.x runtime support
Openapi Version
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